Mr Ali Yagan

Consultant Ophthalmologist
FRCOphth Royal College of Ophthalmologists 2014

Mr Yagan graduated from Aleppo medical school in 1997 and joined the ophthalmology postgraduate training programme where he achieved Masters in Ophthalmology degree in 2001. Mr Yagan came to the UK in 2002 for further specialist training until 2008 when he returned to Syria to promote excellent medical care and support ophthalmology education in the country. Due to the civil war in Syria, Mr Yagan came back to Manchester Royal Eye Hospital to join a specialist fellowship in neuro ophthalmology and strabismus in 2011-2012. Mr Yagan has been a consultant in neuro ophthalmology and strabismus surgery at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital since 2015 performing complex squint assessments and surgeries as well as botulinum toxin injections. Mr Yagan has expertly managed various neuro ophthalmology conditions affecting the visual pathways and ocular motility providing assessment and diagnosis for such complex conditions. Mr Yagan is also a clinical supervisor training doctors in neuro ophthalmology, squint and cataract surgeries.

GMC number: 06057550