
Using eye drops for glaucoma

Glaucoma is often caused by a build-up of fluid in the eye called aqueous humour. This causes pressure in the eye to increase, which damages the optic nerve and leads to vision loss.

Eye drops are the most common treatment for glaucoma. They decrease the amount of fluid in the eye, which helps to maintain a healthy eye pressure level.

Some patients who are new to eye drops occasionally have difficulty using them so we've created a blog that walks through how to apply them step by step.

  1. First of all, make sure your hands are clean and dry.
  2. Some people find it helps to look into a mirror, otherwise lie down or tilt your head back and look up at the ceiling. Concentrate on a point, keeping your eye wide open.
  3. Place a finger on your face about an inch below your eye, gently pull down to create a pocket between your lower eyelid and your eyeball.
  4. Use your other hand to hold the bottle, pointing the tip downward resting your hand on your forehead may help to hold it steady.
  5. Hold the bottle close to your eye about an inch away. Be careful not to let the dropper touch your eye or eyelashes.
  6. Squeeze lightly and allow one drop to fall inside your lower lid.
  7. Remove your hands from your face, gently close your eyes and tilt your head down for a few seconds. Try not to blink, as this can force some of the drop out of your eye before it has had a chance to be absorbed.

If you're still having trouble applying your eye drops, here are some more tips that might help:

  • If your hands are shaking, try approaching your eye from the side so you can rest your hand on your face to help steady your hand.
  • If you're having trouble getting the drop in your eye, with your head turned to the side or lying on your side, close your eyes. Place a drop in the inner corner of your eyelid. By opening your eyes slowly, the drop should fall into your eye.
  • Sometimes it's difficult to know if the drop has fallen into your eye, we advise that you put your eye drops in the fridge before use, when the drop is colder it makes it easier to know if it landed inside or outside your eye.
  • There are also products available that help to apply eye drops such as EziDrops. They can be purchased here -
  • The best way to ensure that you're protecting your vision is through regular consultant checks. OcuPlan has a nationwide network of consultants and optometrists who provide the highest level of care to help you minimise the risk of sight loss. To find out more call us on 0207 173 5200. or email

    glaucoma eye drops
    eye drops
    glaucoma treatment

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    OcuPlan offers the gold standard of clinical care for patients with long-term eye conditions to help minimise the risk of sight loss.